Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yama Niyama

Yama Niyama are not just do's and don'ts. They are related to vision of Oneness. If the vision of oneness is lost then the practice of Yama and Niyama could be faulty. Without Yama and Niyama practice of Yoga is not possible. So what is Yama and Niyama?

Are Yama and Niyama steps of Yoga? No. At no stage Yama and Niyama can be dropped as they are angas - indivisible parts of Yoga.


  1. What's the Yam & Niyam?

    As per my knowledge it's two part of the Patanjali Yoga, which has total eight part.

    Somewhere I heard it's अंग not part, so what's the difference in अंग. As it looks like translation from hindi to english.

  2. Anga means literally part of body. When we call a person his whole body comes. We cannot say that we have to talk only to the mouth so let only mouth come. Whole body is interconnected so if one part comes the other have to come. Thus one cannot really do Dhyana or Dharana if one is not following Yama and Niyama. Or vice-versa. It is Ashtang Yoga. Eight-limbed practice of Yoga.

  3. Thank you.

    Can you please elaborate the Yam and Niyam, as it looks bit complicated.

  4. Thank you.

    Awaiting for the next writeup :)
